Dare /dɛ(ə)ɹ/

Dare Egbert /dɛ(ə)ɹ ˈɛɡbɜːt/

"i'm just a dumb fucking idiot who can't think ahead and always makes mistakes and never does anything right forever, and i don't deserve to be happy anyway"

Dare arrived in the system at the same time as June and Risk, being the first to front. They seemingly set their tone quickly, nudging alphy towards asking a partner system's Karkat to recite his introductory monologue. It wouldn't be long before their nature as an alphy fragment bore out.

Much like other alphy fragments, Dare has issues with self-worth. These moments tend to play out in ways similar to their source, where they feel like a worthless part of June. Dare harbors some feelings around how traumatic the system's transition has been, and how sometimes they wish they could undo it all.

Most of the time, though, Dare is a virulent shitposter. They'll often communicate bad jokes to whoever's in front, or steal front to make atrocious puns. They're also an eager infodumper, happy to talk endlessly about the system's myriad interests.

When speaking, they tend to be somewhat quiet, talking in the body's natural voice.