Kanaya /kəˈnaɪ̯ə/

Kanaya Maryam /kəˈnaɪ̯ə ˈmɛɹɪəm/

"This Is Not Where Our Lives End June Egbert
Even If It Feels Like The Opposite Must Be True

alphy had a habit of using title case for emphasis. A week before introjecting Kanaya, it wondered why it hadn't yet. After thinking that, every time it used title case, it felt a pinprick of a thought in the back of its head.

That thought ended up being Kanaya Maryam, the system's first new member since Vriska eight months prior. She is a fragment of Charra, and that realization made alphy realize that there was likely a Karkat based on a fragment of it rattling around. Shortly after saying that, he showed up.

For a Charra fragment, she has significantly wider emotional range. She primarily functions as a caretaker, both internally and externally. She is a very hope-driven person, always working towards the next day, even when others in the system do not feel as hopeful.

As a rainbow drinker, the Homestuck equivalent of a vampire, she is much more of a morning person than other Charra fragments like Vriska or Kakyu. She will lead the system to get up earlier than is typical, and she is able to ignore tiredness to get things done. After she leaves front, however, whoever is in after her is left exhausted.

When speaking, she is soft and smooth, enunciating every word. When typing, she uses a modified version of her quirk in source. While still using Title Case, she does use punctuation to make herself clearer.